Gentle care ensures that the graft survives and heals successfully and Turkey Hair Center offers expert advice on post-hair transplant washing.

Have you performed your hair transplant and are you looking for solutions to get the best result? Then simply choosing a quality clinic is not enough. Washing after hair transplant is a process that must be done very carefully. There may be sensitivity on the scalp and grafts after the hair transplant operation, so the washing process should be carried out carefully. 

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Fresh Start: Washing After Hair Transplant 

Promising a brand new beginning and transformation, washing after hair transplant  represents a critical stage of hair care. This important step requires the necessary care and meticulousness to ensure the successful completion of the hair transplantation operation.

Choosing the right shampoo and gentle application are essential to minimize sensitivity on the scalp, ensure a strong adhesion of the grafts and healthy growth of new hair. For those who have undergone hair transplant surgery, proper understanding and implementation of the hair washing process is a decisive factor in the recovery process. 

How To Wash After Hair Transplant ? 

Maintaining hygiene for new hair grafts that requires care and it is important to do it correctly. Here is how to wash after hair transplant step by step: 

Follow Doctor Instructions:

  • Carefully read and follow the instructions given to you by your doctor after the hair transplantation operation.
  • If there are special instructions regarding the hair washing process, determine them in advance.

Choose the Right Shampoo:

  • Choose a suitable shampoo for use washing after hair transplant.
  • Post-operative shampoos are usually produced with special formulas that do not irritate the hair and scalp.

Adjust Water Temperature:

  • Check the water temperature. The water should not be too hot as this can irritate the scalp.
  • Choose warm or slightly warm water for washing after hair transplant.

Moisturize Hair:

  • Wet your hair with water and moisturize slightly.
  • Ensure that water is evenly distributed on the scalp and grafts.

Clean Gently:

  • Gently massage the scalp using your fingertips.
  • Avoid rubbing or tugging to avoid damaging the grafts or the scalp.


  • Rinse the shampoo thoroughly and clean your hair by washing it with water.
  • Be careful not to leave shampoo residues in your hair.

Dry with Soft Towel:

  • Gently dry your hair with a soft towel.
  • Do not rub the hair or make harsh movements as this may damage the scalp.

Let It Dry Naturally:

  • Let your hair dry naturally. Avoid using blow dryers or other heat sources as this can irritate the scalp and grafts.

Wash as Frequently as Recommended by Your Doctor:

  • Washing after hair transplant should performed as often as determined by your doctor.
  • Generally, hair should not be washed for a certain period of time after the operation. Then follow the program recommended by your doctor.
  • You should follow this table as you can see below :
Day Washing Frequency Products Used Washing Technique
Day 1 Once Sterile serum (no shampoo) Without touching, gently patting
Day 2 Twice Sterile serum (no shampoo) With soft movements, handle with care
Day 3 Twice Sterile serum (no shampoo) Gently massage with fingertips
Day 4 Twice Specialized hair transplant shampoo Gentle massage, without foaming
Day 5 Twice Specialized hair transplant shampoo Gentle massage, wash delicately
Day 6 Twice Specialized hair transplant shampoo Rinse gently, massage softly
Day 7 Twice Specialized hair transplant shampoo Rinse carefully, massage gently during rinsing
Day 8-14 Twice Specialized hair transplant shampoo Gentle massage, pay attention to water flow direction

Washing after hair transplant is important to ensure healthy healing of your hair and proper growth of new hair. Therefore, wash your hair correctly by following the above steps carefully and follow your doctor’s instructions from Turkey Hair Center.

When Does Washing Start After Hair Transplant? 

When to start washing routine for graft survival usually depends on the instructions of your surgeon or hair transplant specialist. However, in general, the washing process after hair transplant may be as follows:  

First Days After Operation (Day 0 – Day 3):

  • It is not recommended to wash your hair immediately after the hair transplantation operation.
  • The hair is kept dry and clean for the first 3 days after the operation.
  • During this period, time is given for the scalp and grafts to begin the healing process.

First Wash (Day 3 – Day 5):

  • The first wash is performed between 3 and 5 days after the hair transplantation operation.
  • The first wash helps remove crusts and dried blood from the scalp.
  • Washing after hair transplant should be done gently and with the special shampoo recommended by your doctor.


While the Healing Process Continues (Day 5 – Day 10):

  • While the healing process continues after the first wash, the wash can be done once a day or as often as determined by your doctor’s instructions.
  • The washing process promotes cleanliness of the scalp and healthy healing of the grafts.

Complete Adhesion of Grafts (Day 10 and After):

  • Generally, the grafts are expected to fully adhere within 10 days after hair transplantation.
  • During this period, washing should be done carefully and gently to minimize sensitivity on the scalp.

Managing the washing after hair transplant as recommended by your doctor helps the healing process to be successful. This timeline is a general guide and the washing process after hair transplant varies depending on the characteristics of your personal recovery process.

What should be taken into consideration after washing after a hair transplant?

Washing after hair transplant plays a critical role in the healing process of the grafts and scalp. There are points that require extreme attention, especially after the washing process. These are : 

  • Avoiding Hard Contact and Friction
  • Be Gentle During the Hair Drying Process
  • Water Temperature Control
  • Following Doctor’s Instructions
  • Use of Special Shampoo After Hair Transplantation
  • Avoiding Heat Sources
  • Preventing Grafts from Displacement

These points to consider are important to protect the health of the hair and scalp during the washing after hair transplant. For this reason, harsh movements and overdoing, especially those that can be described as extreme, should be avoided. 

 Products Used for Washing Hair After Hair Transplant 

The products used washing hair after hair transplant are specially formulated to minimize the sensitivity of the scalp and grafts and support the healing process. Here are some common products used to wash hair after hair transplant:

  • Special Hair Transplant Shampoos: Shampoos used after hair transplantation are generally produced with special formulas that do not irritate the scalp and grafts. These shampoos may contain special ingredients that cleanse the hair and scalp while also supporting the healing process.
  • Gentle Cleansers: Some cleansers used for washing after hair transplantation have gentle formulas that do not contain soap or chemicals. These cleansers can help minimize post-drying discomfort while gently cleansing the scalp and grafts.
  • Serums and Lotions: Some post-hair transplant care products may contain serums or lotions that help moisturize and reconstruct the scalp. These products can contribute to the healthy healing of grafts and the growth of new hair.
  • Natural Oils: Some natural oils can be applied to the scalp after washing after hair transplant. Natural oils, especially argan oil, jojoba oil and coconut oil, can nourish, moisturize the scalp and support the healing process.
  • Unsalted Water: It is important that the water used for washing is unsalted. Salt water can dry and irritate the scalp and grafts. For this reason, salt-free water should be preferred when washing after hair transplant.

Washing process and the products used after hair transplant are important for the successful completion of the hair transplantation operation and the positive progress of the healing process. 

 Advices From Turkey Hair Center Experts 

Follow the precise timetable specified by our specialists to begin washing after hair transplant. This timetable has been deliberately developed to correspond with the natural healing progression. If instructed, apply any prescription ointments or solutions after washing to enhance graft healing. Remember that your commitment to post-operative care is critical to the success of your treatment. 

If you have any questions, worries, or uncertainties about the washing protocol, our dedicated professional staff is always available to provide assistance and help. At Turkey Hair Center, we recognize that your rehabilitation is a team effort. 

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