A hair transplant procedure is a major commitment and involves significant investment, preparation and recovery. After the procedure, all but the shallowest grafts are likely to fall out and regrow later. It is quite normal to patients have shedding after hair transplant.

The amount of time between the last extraction and result will vary from person to person depending on how much hair was needed for each individual graft. At this point in your recovery, it is important to take good care of your scalp so that you can avoid potential issues with excess shedding or irritation so that there are not any further complications down the road!

Shedding Hair Follicles From the Grafts

It is important to understand that shedding hair follicles from the grafts is a part of the normal hair transplant cycle

According to the professionals at Turkey Hair Transplant Center, it is important to understand shedding hair follicles from the grafts. Because it is a part of the normal hair transplant cycle. However, if you are worried about how long it takes to regrow hair after you have received a new graft, do not be! In most cases, patients will see their donor area begin to fill in within two months after the surgery. They begin producing more growth within six months.

Trauma Associated Shocked Shedding

Because of the trauma associated with a hair transplant procedure, some hairs will be agitated or shocked during this time.

Because of the trauma associated with a hair transplant procedure, some hairs will be agitated or shocked during this time. For example, if you had an FUE procedure and it was done using a small punch grafting needle that left only 1–3 mm of scalp intact around each graft, you may experience some bleeding from the area where the follicle was removed.

The professionals place into the grafts into the treatment area at Turkey Hair Transplant Center, where they can begin to grow into new hair growth before being stitched up again in about two weeks’ time (or sooner). The grafts will heal from their healing process over time and eventually grow back into normal looking healthy-looking eyebrows/eyelashes etc….

Hair Transplant Roots Begin to Grow Immediately

The transplanted hair roots grow in 1-6 months, depending on the donor area. After that, the transplanted hairs begin to grow and curl up as if they were always there. The appearance of your new hairline is completely natural; it looks like you have not had any surgery at all!

On the other hand, your new transplantations will look exactly like your old ones did when you were younger. Moreover, according to the doctors at Turkey Hair Center, you can expect healthy looking regrowth within 6 months after treatment. (this number may vary depending on how much density was transferred).

So it can be said that transplanted hair grow and begin to grow in. Additionally, transplanted hair can be cut, dyed and styled as normal.

How to Reduce Hair Shedding after Hair Transplant Procedure

The professionals at Turkey Hair Center says that hair transplants are a great way to get a new looking. However, hair loss is just as common after surgery as it was before. The good news is that there are ways to reduce the shedding process. Also, manage your new hair growth so that you can look great in no time!

Post-surgery medications & vitamins

Post-surgery medications are important to reduce hair loss and promote new growth. Turkey Hair Center experts recommend you vitamins after the treatment. If the patient uses his medicines and vitamins regularly, he gets a natural appearance. Hair loss is minimized by using vitamins and medicines. It is also important to be in touch with the coordinators and doctors after hair transplant operation.

Timing and size of hair transplant

The amount of time it takes for your new transplanted hairs to grow back depends on how many transplants were performed. Also, how many live donor grafts were used (where another person gives their own tissue). This can range anywhere from 6 months up to 8 years.

Camouflaging products to use for the first few months post-surgery

The first few months after your surgery, you will need to use Camouflaging products. These are designed to help cover up any bald spots or thinning areas on your scalp. They also make your hair look thicker and fuller by adding volume. It can be very beneficial in helping people who have lost significant amounts of their hair. They can feel more confident about themselves.

The right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type is important. Even though it may seem like you are using the same shampoo as before, there are some subtle differences between them. This situation could lead to different results about shedding control or overall appearance.

Also, remember: You should never wash your head with hot water after being outside in cold weather. Because this could result in damage done by moisture loss rather than preventative measures taken beforehand (like wearing hats).


As a conclusion, shedding is a normal part of the hair transplant process. While it may be frustrating, you can manage and minimize sheds by using products that camouflage them. If you have any questions about the process, you can reach at us any time. We would be happy to help you!

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